The film stars Rajesh Tailang, Satish Kaushik, Dolly Ahluwalia, Sumeet Vyas, Riva Arora, Prachi Shah Pandya, and more in the pivotal roles. The film is bankrolled by Ronnie Screwvala and directed by Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar. The film aims to drive home a strong social message on the importance of male contraceptives and safe sex.
Veteran actor Rajesh Tailang dropped the poster on his social media profile, he captioned it, “Ye chapter optional nahi, compulsory hai. Toh dekhna mat bhuliyega, #ChhatriwaliOnZEE5. Trailer out today! @zee5India @Rakulpreet @tejasdeoskar @vyas_sumeet @satishkaushik2 @rajeshtailang @PracheePaandya @rivarora01 @sanchit421 #PriyadarsheeSrivastava @dollyahluwalia @rajeshtailang @ronniescrewvala @RSVPMovies @soniakanwar22 @eshaan_phadnis @ZeeMusicCompany @zee5global”
A slice-of-life film set in Haryana, 'Chhatriwali' is headlined by Rakul who plays the quality control head in a condom factory. She plays this shy and embarrassed girl, who is hesitant about her job initially, but she soon realises the importance of safe sex and then takes it upon herself to destigmatise the conversation around sex education.
Without being too preachy, the film sets the tone and delivers the message with humour and sensitivity while ensuring that the narrative is entertaining and family-friendly. The film starts streaming from 20th January 2023.
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