Vishal Bhardwaj was interacting with Newshelpline at the trailer launch of Kuttey, which is the directorial debut of Aasmaan Bhardwaj. The film stars Arjun Kapoor, Tabu, Naseeruddin Shah, Radhika Madan, Konkona Sen Sharma, Kumud Mishra and Shardul Bhardwaj.
Talking about working as a producer and dialogue writer on the film, Vishal said, “For me it was tough and easy job, collaborating with Aasmaan, my son. Because with him, sometimes I needed to be father, sometimes a writer and sometimes I had to be a producer, so I had to juggle between these three roles. And sometimes it would happen that he would take advantage of me, and vice-versa”
Adding about not visiting his son’s debut film set, because he didn’t wanted people to get the wrong idea, Vishal said, “As a dialogue writer, I had the toughest time with him. I kid you not, I swore that I will not visit the sets of this film, I would be nervous all the time and that is why I didn’t want to go, because I didn’t want anyone to perceive that I did something directorially in this film, and I am grateful to the entire ensemble that they trusted Aasmaan”
The film is produced by Vishal Bhardwaj Films, T-Series Films and Luv Films. The film also stars Anurag Kashyap and Ashish Vidyarthi. It is slated for 13th January 2023 release.
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