Be it her debut film Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express, or Happy New Year, Deepika Padukone has always delivered a blockbuster with Shah Rukh Khan. While the leading lady has paved a long way in the entertainment industry giving some of the greatest hits of all time, the audience always looks forward to her pairing with King Khan. While they give major couple goals on the screen, their off-screen love is even more colorful which was recently seen when Shah Rukh Khan dropped a post for Deepika as she completed 15 Years in the industry and she reacted.
As the audience always adored and cherished the on-screen chemistry of Deepika and Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika's comment on SRK's post certainly showcased their love off the screen too. As Deepika has completed her 15 years in the industry, Shah Rukh Khan took to his social media and added an adorable note for the actress writing -
"To 15 fabulous years of excellence… perseverance…amazing performances with you and the warm hugs!! Here’s looking at you…Looking at you. and looking at you…and still looking at you… @deepikapadukone"
This note from king khan got more special when Deepika wrote an even more sweet reply in the comments writing -
"Words can do no justice to describe our love!❤️"
Moreover, having won our hearts with her amazing chemistry with Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika will be coming back with him in the most awaited film of the season, Pathaan. As the teaser of the film has recently been released, Deepika was seen in uber-hot looks and her fans are eagerly excited to watch her in the film.
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