Actor Kangana Ranaut who is busy shooting for her upcoming movie 'Emergency' dropped a sweet message for PM Modi on her Insta stories. The actor shared an old picture of herself with PM Modi from an event. She wrote, "Happy birthday honorable Prime Minister @narendramodi. From selling tea on railway platforms as a child to becoming the most powerful man on this planet, what an incredible journey... we wish you a long, long life, but like Rama, like Krishna, like Gandhi, you are immortal. Now etched forever in the conscious of this nation and beyond. You will love forever. Nothing can erase your legacy that's why I call you an Avatar... blessed to have you as our leader."
Filmmaker Karan Johar also extended warm wishes to Indian PM, he shared, “To the strongest pillar of our nation, leading our country to making an enduring mark on the world map - happy birthday @narendramodi ji!”
Prime Minister Modi has a packed schedule for the day as various events have been planned - from releasing cheetahs in Madhya Pradesh's Kuno National Park to delivering important speeches at four events.
At the same time, BJP is also set with plans to make PM Modi's birthday historic. While the party aims to create a record of maximum COVID-19 vaccine inoculations, it will also embark on 21-day "Seva and Samarpan" campaign.
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