Actor Ajay Devgn took to his social media profile and shared a picture with PM and wrote, ""Happy birthday honorable Prime Minister @narendramodi. Your leadership inspires and me. Wishing you good health and a great year ahead Sir."
Actor Akshay Kumar also exnteded his wishes to the Prime Minister, he shared, “Your vision, your warmth, and your capacity to work...just some of the many things that I find deeply inspiring. Happy Birthday@narendramodiji. Wish you health, happiness and a glorious year ahead"
Veteran actor Anil Kapoor shared pictures from a meeting with PM Modi along with a caption, "A very Happy Birthday to the man who has put India on the world map in a way we could never have imagined...the harbinger of acche din, the leader of our proud nation. May you live long and stay healthy! @narendramodi."
Prime Minister Modi has a packed schedule for the day as various events have been planned - from releasing cheetahs in Madhya Pradesh's Kuno National Park to delivering important speeches at four events.
At the same time, BJP is also set with plans to make PM Modi's birthday historic. While the party aims to create a record of maximum COVID-19 vaccine inoculations, it will also embark on 21-day "Seva and Samarpan" campaign.
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