Terralogic Announces the Acquisition of Codebele, a Bellari-Based Software Development Firm

Business Wire India

Terralogic Software Solutions, a global leader in cybersecurity, IT, and software services, has announced the acquisition of Codebele, a Bellari-based software development company. This is a very strategic acquisition for Terralogic to increase their software development services, and they've deemed that Codehive IT Solutions (Codebele) is the ideal firm to partner with as they expand and grow.

Manoj Reddy founded Codebele in 2012. In just ten years, Codebele saw tremendous growth and collaborated with significant clients including Myntra, EY, Hexaware, and Kotak Life. Codebele, situated in Bellari, Karnataka, specializes in all aspects of application development, including website and mobile app development, frontend and backend programming, and cloud-based apps. They presently work with over 100 clients, have completed over 200 projects, and have shown constant revenue growth every year.

Tier 2 cities have the same, if not more, potential than Tier 1 cities, with less traffic, costs, and other urban problems. Our objective with Codebele is to highlight the existence of Bellari as a premier center for a development firm,” this was cited by the founder of Codebele, Manoj Reddy. He further added, “We want Codebele to have a worldwide presence and offer top-notch services to businesses not just in India but all around the world. By the end of the year, we expect to have a strong growth rate and a significant global footprint, proving that even Tier 2 cities can prosper when they have a truly competent workforce. We're certain that we will be able to achieve this with Terralogic."

Codebele brings in an excellent talent pool in Bellari city, and Terralogic is looking at expanding our footprint in tier 2 cities to get the best digital transformation talent. Manoj has built a great team specializing in application development and his team of engineers will be focusing on empowering mid-sized businesses to go digital!said Renil Komitla, CEO, of Terralogic.

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