National, July 8, 2022: After releasing in the theatres on May 6, Kolkatar Harry is all set to make its digital premiere. On July 15, India’s largest homegrown OTT platform and multilingual storyteller – ZEE5 will release the Bengali film - Kolkatar Harry on the platform. Directed by Rajdeep Ghosh, the film is a family drama that bridges the gap between magic and realism. Produced by Soham's Entertainment, Kolkatar Harry will see Priyanka Sarkar, Laboni Sarkar, Arindam Ganguly and Oishika Guhathakurata and Soham Chakraborty in prominent roles.
Kolkatar Harry tells the story of a 10-year-old kid Titli played by Oishika Guhathakurta and her bond with her carpool driver Harinath Patra played by Soham Chakraborty. While Harinath loves magic and enjoys showcasing that on the streets of Calcutta, he is also a fan of fairy tales, especially the Harry Potter series. With an intent of spreading joy and happiness, Kolkatar Harry is a modern fairy tale that aims at creating a magical world.
With an impactful message and great performances, the film will be available to viewers across 190+ countries only on ZEE5.
Commenting on the release, Manish Kalra, Chief Business Officer, ZEE5 India says “Consumers today are looking for high quality content in the language of their choice and our aim is to offer them that at ZEE5. We are happy to announce the premiere of our next Bengali offering - Kolkatar Harry, a light-hearted family drama. The film aims at establishing a connection between different generations, their relationships along with intent of spreading magic as the story unfolds. Yet another story from the heartland that the viewers will enjoy.”
Actor and producer - Soham Chakraborty said, “Kolkatar Harry is not only a light-hearted film but also has a deep social message which is not to force children for anything. It talks about relationships, bonds, fairy tales and magic. I believe that magic can happen in anyone’s life all you need to do is be patient and wait for it. We are happy that through ZEE5 we will be able to reach out to a larger audience and encourage them to watch this film.”
Watch this family drama on July 15 exclusively on ZEE5
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