The official handle of Sony LIV released the trailer on social media, it said, “Experience the journey of a family with an unusual story.#SaltCity, all episodes streaming from 16th June exclusively on #SonyLIV. #SaltCityOnSonyLIV @OfficialPiyushMishra @divyenndu @_navniparihar @gauaharkhan @niveditabhattacharya.official @eishachopra @manishanand @pranaypachauri @monicachaudhhary @jitin0804 @applausesocial @sunshineproductionsofficial @sameern @segaldeepak #SeemaSharma @sudhirpix @studiosahay @PranjalSaxena @kunwar_shashank @garg.prasoon #RahulPrakash @devnidhib @001danishkhan @golu_a @sonylivinternational”
Salt City is a journey of a family with an unusual story, where parents are trying really hard to cope with growing kids, their ambitions and desires to fly high. The sibling competing with each other and trying to find a footing for themselves in the city of dreams.
The show is directed by Rishabh Anupam Sahay and bankrolled by Applause Entertainment, in association with Sunshine Productions, also released a trailer for the series, will release on streamer SonyLIV on June 16.
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