Narasimmha GD is directing a supernatural horror film titled Nagham with Ganesh Reddy, Vemi Mamatha Reddy, Ayesha Takki and Rajendra Kumar playing the lead roles. Siva Dosakayala is producing the movie under Vibhu Productions banner.
Star director Ram Gopal Varma has launched and appreciated teaser of the movie. Awe-struck by the content, performances and taking, RGV wished the team all the success.
The teaser indeed looked very impressive. The visuals are top-notch and scary, whereas the background score is terrific. The video gave an impression that Nagham is going to be an edge of the seat thriller with many horror and supernatural elements.
Written by Devoju Linga Chary, the film has music by Bhagawatth (Karunakar), while Aravind.B handled the cinematography. Kicchu is the editor of the movie which is gearing up for release.
Cast: Ganesh Reddy, Vemi Mamatha Reddy, Ayesha Takki, Rajendra Kumar, Sharath Chandra, Lucky Danayya M, Siva Dosakayala, Mercy Miracle, Gautham Mannava, Mani Gogisetti, Brindavan Ketireddi
Director: Narasimmha GD
Producer: Siva Dosakayala
Banner: Vibhu Productions
Writer: Devoju Linga Chary
DOP: Aravind.B
Music: Bhagawatth (Karunakar)
Editor: Kicchu
Art: M Narendra Babu
Executive Producer: Sony Samba
PRO: Sai Satish, Parvataneni Raambabu
Nagham Teaser
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