Sharing the trailer on her social media profile, Nushrratt Bharuccha wrote, “It’s time to make some noise, LOUD & CLEAR! Ek womaniya sabpe bhaari, yeh suchna hai #JanhitMeinJaari Trailer out now. Releasing in cinemas on 10th June 2022. @Anudsinghdhaka #VijayRaaz #TinnuAnand @brijkala #IshtiyakhKhan #SapnaSand #KamleshBhanushali @vishalgurnani5 @vklahoti @SonaliSinghSSS @Chirucam #ShradhaChandavarkar #BuntyRaghav #RajeshRaghav #JuhiParekhMehta @bsl_filmz @thinkinkpicz @shreeraghav_ent @HitzMusicoff @ZeeStudios_ @Pparitosh1 @writerraj @basantujai @vinodbhanu”
Narrated in a humorous way, the film encompasses the journey of a young girl who sells condoms for a living despite societal resistance. It’s the story of a girl who juggles working towards the betterment of women, telling people the importance of using protection while handling the resistance of her family and in-laws towards her job.
Nushrratt takes the job of selling condoms to make money, only to realize that the taboo around contraceptive runs deeper than surficial level.
Bankrolled by Bhanushali Studios Limited, Thinkink Picturez production, and Shree Raghav Entertainment LLP, directed by Jai Basantu Singh, the film is slated for 10thJune 2022 release.
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