The film, Sanaa follows the story of a headstrong and ambitious girl (Madan), who is raging against an internal battle that is rooted in unhealed trauma. The makers have confirmed the shoot in Mumbai.
Trade Analyst Ramesh Bala confirmed the film on social media on behalf of the filmmaker, he tweeted, “@iamsuds & @radhikamadan01's silence speaks volumes; now filming #Sanaa Ft. @ShikhaTalsania & @s0humshah, Produced by @fourlinefilms #sudhanshusaria #radhikamadan #shikhatalsania #sohumshah #fourlineentertainment #sanaa”
The film also stars Sohum Shah and Shikha Talsania. Filmmaker Sudhanshu Saria is also producing the film via his banner Four Line Entertainment.
Apart from Sanaa, actress Radhika Madan is also part of Luv Films and Vishal Bhardwaj Films first collaboration titled Kuttey, helmed by Aasmaan Bhardwaj. The film also stars Arjun Kapoor, Konkona Sen Sharma, Naseeruddin Shah, Kumud Mishra, Shardul Bhardwaj, and Tabu.
The film marks the directorial debut of Aasmaan Bhardwaj, son of veteran filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj.
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