Jacqueline Fernandez and Akshay Kumar's chemistry in 'Bachchhan Paandey' is unmissable. The actress looked absolutely beautiful and breathtaking in all her looks while she promoted the film. She shared a video on her social media on the 'Heer Raanjhana' song exploring some amazing looks.
Recently, Jacqueline took to her Instagram and shared this Uber cool reel which showcased all her looks and teased her fans to pick their favourite. She pens down the caption for her fans -
"Which ones your favourite? 🌞
#bachchhanpaandey #heerraanjhana #reelitfeelit #jf"
Apart from that, the actress is also shooting for her forthcoming projects. On the film front, she will soon be seen in, 'Ram Setu', 'Kick 2', 'Cirkus' and 'Attack' along with a Hollywood project and a few unannounced projects.
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