The official handle of Zee Studios dropped the trailer on social media. It said, “It’s time to break down the walls. One goal at a time. #Jhund Trailer out now - Jhund-Trailer See you in cinemas on 4th March, 2022. @SrBachchan @Nagrajmanjule #BhushanKumar #KrishanKumar #RaajHiremath @savitahireemath @gargeekulkarni #MeenuAroraa @thisissandeeps @ZeeStudios_ @AjayAtulOnline @officialamitabh #AtulGogavale #AjayGogavale @sidsriram #ShivChanana @TSeries @tandavfilms @aatpaat”
Helmed and written by Nagraj Manjule, the biographical sports drama stars Amitabh Bachchan, Akash Thosar and Rinku Rajguru in the lead role.
The trailer opens with a bund of slum-dweller kids, are going about living their lives selling drugs, robbing people or just creating one riot after another. An ambitious and stubborn professor see’s goodness in these kids and motivates the street children to form a football team.
Slowly but steadily he breaks the ice with kids and usher them into main stream world, where they are laughed, bullied or even rejected, but despite staggering odds, Vijay Barse played by Amitabh Bachchan, gets them kids on football field and win the day.
The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Raaj Hiremath, Savita Hiremath, Nagraj Manjule, Gargee Kulkarni and Meenu Arora under the banner of T-Series, Tandav Films Entertainment Pvt.Ltd and Aatpat Films. The film is scheduled for release on 4 March 2022.
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