New Delhi: Delhi Police personnel and locals rescue a man named Santosh Gandhi hailing from Sonipat, dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi, who allegedly tried to commit suicide near India Gate in New Delhi on Friday, February 18, 2022. (Photo: IANS/Anupam Gautam)
New Delhi: Delhi Police personnel and locals rescue a man named Santosh Gandhi hailing from Sonipat, dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi, who allegedly tried to commit suicide near India Gate in New Delhi on Friday, February 18, 2022. (Photo: IANS/Anupam Gautam)
New Delhi: Delhi Police personnel and locals rescue a man named Santosh Gandhi hailing from Sonipat, dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi, who allegedly tried to commit suicide near India Gate in New Delhi on Friday, February 18, 2022. (Photo: IANS/Anupam Gautam)
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