Tulsi Kumar is all set to make you reminisce your teenage love with her latest release, ‘Tumse Pyaar Karke’ produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series. The love song also reunites Tulsi Kumar with Jubin Nautiyal as they last flagged off the third season of T-Series MixTape Rewind.
This Valentine’s Day, Tulsi gifts her fans this love song penned by Kunaal Vermaa, with a romantic melody composed by Payal Dev. Starring Gurmeet Choudhary and Ihana Dhillon, ‘Tumse Pyaar Karke’ takes audiences through the rush of young love and the innocence and purity of it.
Says Tulsi Kumar, "The month of February is truly the month of love with Valentine's Day just around the corner. 'Tumse Pyaar Karke' depicts the rush and intoxication of being in love…it’s beautiful, simple and sweet and the perfect song to celebrate this Valentine’s Day.”
Produced by Bhushan Kumar's T-Series, 'Tumse Pyaar Karke' is sung by Tulsi Kumar and Jubin Nautiyal with music by Payal Dev. Directed by Navjit Buttar and starring Gurmeet Choudhary and Ihana Dhillon the song will be out on T-Series' YouTube channel on the 1st February,2022.
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