Actor Taapsee Pannu just took to her social media profile and dropped the thrilling trailer of Looop Lapeta. She captioned it, “50 lakh 50 min, Can Savi save Satya in time? @tahirrajbhasin…Looop Lapeta, a Sony Pictures Films India Feature and Ellipsis Entertainment Production, directed by @bhatiaaakash, coming on 4th Feb, only on Netflix. #LooopLapeta”
Looop Lapeta is helmed by Aakash Bhatia, the film is a Bollywood remake of German movie, Run Lola Run. The film revolves around a Satya and Savi, a young and free-spirited couple living a dream live on the coast. But Satya has a nag for getting into trouble and this time he has lost 5 million on a bet, the money which belongs to a mafia kingpin.
Satya will die in 50 minutes, if Savi doesn’t come-up with lost money, and the clock start ticking.
The film is jointly produced by Sony Pictures Films India, Ellipsis Entertainment and Aayush Maheshwari. The also film features Shreya Dhanwanthary as Julia.
The film is scheduled to premiere on 4 February 2022 on Netflix.
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