After making her big debut with Fan opposite Shah Rukh Khan, model turned actor Waluscha De Sousa took a break until she made headlines with Chingari song in Antim, starring Salman Khan. She followed it yet another single, Bollywood Wala Dance, which went viral.
Talking to NewsHelpline on the sidelines of Bigg Boss special new year episode, Waluscha said, “Things have taken off for me, so I will not be putting a pause button on it and continue working”
Chingari and Bollywood Wala Dance song found instant success and Waluscha is nothing but excited, she said, “I had fun shooting Chingari song for Antim. I did Lavni dance in the song, it is a dying form of dance, and the filmmaker Mahesh Manjrekar tried to revive the dance form with the song. We put in a lot of hard work to get the Chingari song right and thank you everyone for loving the song”
“The song, Bollywood Wala Dance, is also getting a lot of love. It is different kind of song with different dance form and fun vibe, and I am so glad to end 2021 on a high note” added Waluscha.
Waluscha also praised Aayush Sharma for his stunning role in Antim. She said, “Antim received a lot of love, we had fun shooting the for the film. It is a fantastic film and Aayush was received with a lot of praise and love”
Waluscha has also worked in hit series Crack down.
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