Singer Dhvani Bhanushali pushes the envelope further in her next song, Mera Yaar, wherein she has taken a step further and turned composer-lyricist for this romantic dance number. Also starring Aditya Seal for the first time together, the duo shot for one of the most dreamy underwater sequence choreographed and directed by Piyush-Shazia.
The talented and young duo can be seen making an underwater sequence look effortlessly easy. However, while it looks easy and dreamy on-screen, it takes hours of practice and breathing techniques in order to make it look right. Dhvani is a certified scuba diver, something that helped her breathe underwater for a long time and Aditya is a swimmer, again something that helped him pull this challenging act off easily.
Speaking on the underwater sequence, Dhvani says that, " I had never thought that my scuba training, especially the breathing technique underwater, would help me in a song! But as they say, the most unexpected things can happen and this was just that! When I look at the song, and I see how amazing this whole underwater sequence has turned out to be, I am happy that we get to share the same with the audiences!"
Mera Yaar was released on 1st Dec on Dhvani Bhanushali’s YouTube channel.
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