Shrikant Tuli, brother of actress Madhurima Tuli started his venture SVMT Music last year with his dream project Khwabeeda which was produced by a fan turned producer Swati Sinha. With his next Mere Haniyaa, SVMT Music is happy to collaborate with TRNding Productions owned by Shweta Rohila & Akhilesh Rohila. The song stars the dashing Parth Samthaan and adorable Anchal Singh in the lead. It is sung in the mesmerizing voice of Arko and the soothing music is composed by Bhuvan Ahuja. The touching lyrics have been penned down by Seema Saini & Bhuvan Ahuja and the video portraying a beautiful love story has been Directed by Rohit Chauhan.
As soon as the glimpses of the song were out, it garnered huge anticipation. Shrikant Tuli, who is the Founder & CEO of SVMT Music who has a flair for music and entrepreneurship, has amalgamated his passion beautifully for his career. We spoke to an ecstatic Shrikant and here is what he says, "It's a great start to many more. The music video looks amazing and the song is very melodious. It has a nostalgic value and people will be on a time ride when they see the video. It was a long time coming and we are happy to have started it right now. With the response we got from the fans waiting for this song since long, we got thrilled to release it at the earliest. We fully understand the emotions of the fans as our very first song Khwabeeda came to reality when a fan turned producer Swati Sinha produced it to bring the onscreen couple with fire chemistry together for a song. The wait was worth then also, and it's gonna be now as well. Thank you to everyone for their support. Love and light to all."
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