Versatile actor Nithiin is presently busy shooting for his upcoming film Macherla Niyojakavargam that marks directorial debut of noted editor MS Raja Shekhar Reddy. The film being Presented by Raj kumar Akella, produced by Sudhakar Reddy and Nikitha Reddy on Sreshth Movies in association with Aditya Movies & Entertainments is currently being filmed in Hyderabad.
Macherla Niyojakavargam has space for two heroines. Krithi Shetty was already confirmed to play one of the leading ladies. Now, Catherine Tresa comes on board to play the other heroine. Catherine who has space and scope to perform joins the film's shoot in ongoing schedule. This is the first time association for both the heroines with Nithiin.
Director MS Raja Shekhar Reddy has prepared a powerful script to present Nithiin in a never seen before action role in the film. Billed to be a pucca mass and commercial entertainer with political elements, the movie also boasts of stellar cast and will have leading craftsmen working for it.
Mahati Swara Sagar collaborates with Nithiin for the third time, after Bheeshma and Maestro. Prasad Murella cranks the camera, while Mamidala Thirupathi provides dialogues and Sahi Suresh is the art director. Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao is the editor.
Macherla Niyojakavargam which is carrying positive buzz is scheduled for theatrical release on April 29, 2022.
Cast: Nithiin, Catherine Tresa, Krithi Shetty and others
Technical Crew:
Written & Directed by: MS Raja Shekhar Reddy
Producers: Sudhakar Reddy, Nikitha Reddy
Banner: Sreshth Movies, Aditya Movies & Entertainments
Presents : Rajkumar Akella
Music: Mahati Swara Sagar
DOP: Prasad Murella
Editor: Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao
Line Producer: G Hari
Dialogues: Mamidala Thirupathi
Art Director: Sahi Suresh
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar
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