Kangana Ranaut just took to her social media profile and took a dig at Hrithik Roshan, who penned a heartfelt post for Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan, the actress called him Mafia Pappu.
Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan is facing charges due to his alleged involvement in procuring and using illegal substances on a cruise ship. The star kid along with many others was arrested during a drug bust on Cordelia Cruise’s Empress Ship.
Hrithik Roshan wrote a note for Aryan Khan, urging him to stay strong and offer his support in troubled time, but the note didn’t sit well with Kangana, who shared a dissing note on her social media.
It read, “Now all Mafia Pappu coming to Aaryan Khan's defence... We make mistakes but we mustn't glorify them... I trust this will give him perspective and also make him realise the consequences of his actions...Hopefully, it can evolve him and make him better and bigger. It's good not to gossip about someone when they are vulnerable but it's criminal to make them feel that they did no wrong."
Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan and others who were arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the cruise ship drugs case are produced before a magistrate court for bail appeal.
The NCB raided a high-profile rave party on Empress Cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai on Saturday, October 2. The probe agency claimed to have seized 13 grams of cocaine, five grams of MD, 21 grams of charas and 22 pills of Ecstasy and Rs 1.33 lakh in cash.
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