Bhuvan Bam took to his social media profile and dropped the poster, he also confirmed that the series will release in October on his You-Tube channel. He captioned his post, “Dhindora- A BB Ki Vines web series, coming this October to your YouTube screen! #Dhindora peet do...#BBKiVines #bhuvanbam...@himankgaur @abbasdalal @hussain.dalal @rohitonweb @gayatribhardwaj__ @musicalsaurabh @omkartamhan @jarvisintune @snekhanwalkar @kailashkher @rekha_bhardwaj @anupsoni3 @jerindpity @arvin.bhandari @tusharmahajanofficial @rishabmalhotra44 @amitk07”
The poster had Bhuvan Bam in various roles from his YouTube channel BBkiVines. Apart from Bhuvan Bam's original character, the others included Sameer, Titu mama and Bhuvan's parents.
The upcoming series' plot would revolve around Bhuvan Bam and his family. As they lead their normal lives, an unexpected purchase leads to a series of funny events.
Bhuvan rose to fame especially among the youth with his YouTube channel BBkiVines. He became the first Indian YouTuber to reach 10 million subscribers.
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