Filmmaker Dushyant Pratap Singh has doned various hats in his career. He has been an actor, singer and a composer and now he is coming up with another directorial titled 'Trahimam' starring Arshi Khan in lead role. The director spoke to News Helpline about his upcoming film, working experience with Arshi Khan and much more.
Talking about the film, he said, "The name of my film is Trahimam. It is based on real life story. We have incorporated such incidents in the film which are prevalent in today's world. People nowadays are forgetting their values. My film will teach audience the lesson of humanity"
He further added, "This is a hard core commercial film and I am sure audience will love it. Since the movie is based on the life of a mafia, we will pay special attention to the background score of the film. Also audience will get good music to hear."
Arshi Khan plays lead role in the film. Talking about working experience with her, he said, "Audience will get to see Arshi Khan in an all new avatar. She is not seen in a glamorous avatar. Working with her is amazing. She is an amazing artist and a very hard working actress. "
"I believe an artist can be good and beautiful only if he/she has a beautiful soul and Arshi Khan has a very beautiful soul. I will say she is amongst one of the best actresses I have worked till date", he further added.
Trahimam directed by Dushyant Pratap Singh is scheduled to release in the theatres in first week of May.
It features Arshi Khan, Anurag, Pankaj Berry and Mushtaq Khan.
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