'Power Play' is the latest film coming in the successful combination of Young Hero Raj Tarun - Director Konda Vijay Kumar. This film is Presented by Smt Padma Produced by Mahidhar, Devesh under Vanamalee Creations Pvt Ltd as their Production No – 1. The recently released First Look Motion Poster and Trailer of the film received a very good response. Makers are releasing the film in a grand manner on March 5th. On this occasion..
One of the Producers, Devesh said, ” 'Power Play' is made as a very different thriller in a new genre in Raj Tarun and Konda Vijaykumar's combination. We are releasing the film worldwide on March 5th. The film is getting released in Andhra and Telangana areas by Warangal Srinu's Karthikeya Exhibitors while Great India Films is releasing it in USA, Southern Star International in Australia, and Manu in the Middle East regions. 'Power Play' which is made with all commercial elements will surely thrill the audience on March 5th."
Executive Producer Palaparthi Ananth Sai said, ” Entire Post-production works are completed. We are releasing the film in a grand manner on March 5th.”
Cast :
Raj Tarun, Hemal Ingle, Poorna, Madhunandan, Ajay, Kota Srinivas Rao, Raja Ravindra, Dhanraj, Kedari Shankar, Tillu Venu, Bhupal, Appaji, Ravi Varma, Sandya Janak and Others
Story & Dialogues: Nandyala Ravi
Cinematography: I Andrew
Music: Suresh Bobbili
Editing: Praveen Pudi
Art: Siva
Fights: Real Satish
Production Controller: B.V.Subbarao
Co-Director: Venu Kurapati
Executive Producer: Palaparthi Ananth Sai
Presented by: Smt.Padma
Produced by: Mahidhar – Devesh
Screenplay-Direction: Vijay Kumar Konda