Malayalam documentary film 'Thariode' directed by Nirmal Baby Varghese gets selection at Reels International Film Festival. This film festival will take place on February 27 at Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
Reels International Film Festival uses media platform as a tool to connect audiences across cities, countries, and continents. Laxmi Thorat is the festival director and Sushant Patil is the festival co-director, while Tushar Thorat is the creative adviser. Om Puri and Amit kamble are the festival programmers.
This documentary film based on the Wayanad gold rush, tells the history of gold mining in Thariode, one of the oldest cities of Malabar region, British India. Film also charts the history of other gold mines of Malabar in the 19th century.
Film has already selected to Košice International Monthly Film Festival 2020 (Slovak Republic) and Lift-Off Global Network Sessions 2021 (England). Film also made it to the finalists in the best trailer category at the Košice International Monthly Film Festival and won the best director award in the documentary short category at 7th Art Independent International Film Festival 2021, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
The film is produced by Baby Chaithanya under the banner of Casablanca Film Factory. Mathew M Thomas and Fr. Biju Mavara are the executive producers. Director of Photography: Midhun Eravil, Nirmal Baby Varghese. Second unit director of photography: Aswin Sreenivasan, Shalvin K Paul, Shobin Francis. Production designer: Sanitha A T. Editing: Nirmal Baby. Final mixing: Rajeev Viswambharan. Associate directors: V Nishad, Arun Kumar Panayal, Saran Kumar Bare. Voice over: Aliyar. Translation and subtitles: Nandalal R. Censor script: C S Ajith.
Nirmal, a native of Kavummannam, Wayanad. He already announced a fictionalization of Thariode, starring Australian-British actor Bill Hutchens. Cinematic remake is titled as "Thariode: The Lost City", it also stars Luing Andrews, Alexx O'Nell, Courtney Sanello, Amelie Leroy and Brendan Byrne and legendary actor Roger Ward in supporting roles.
Currently, Nirmal is working on the post-production of his feature film titled Vazhiye. It is the first found-footage movie in Malayalam. All the actors are debutants and Hollywood music director Evan Evans is the composer for this film.