A new web series starring Mega Daughter Niharika Konidela was launched on Friday in Hyderabad. Directed and produced by Bhanu Rayudu, this Rayudu Chitralu production stars YouTuber Nikhil Vijayendra as the male lead. Well-known TV anchor Anasuya Bharadwaj has a key role in it. The puja event of the untitled web series had Niharika and her husband Chaitanya Jonnalagadda light the lamp. Star writer Vijayendra Prasad and Sensational Director VV Vinayak handed over a copy of the script to Bhanu Rayudu. Young producer Harshith Reddy launched the logo of the banner.
Speaking on the occasion, director-producer Bhanu Rayudu said, "We all know how much the digital world is progressing. Web series are being made with novel concepts. Our web series is a fantasy drama that will be quite novel. When I thought about who would be apt for the lead role, I felt Niharika alone can do full justice. So, I approached her with the script. Prominent YouTuber Nikhil Vijayendra has been roped in. And Anasuya garu has a key role in the web series, which will go on the floors soon.
Nikhil Vijayendra, Niharika Konidela, Anausya Bharadwaj, Aastha Malik, Harika and Vasanth Sameer.
Writer: Shouryav, Cinematographer: Dhanush Bhaskar, Music composer: Kalyan Malik, Director, Producer: Bhanu Rayudu.