Superstar Ajay Devgn just took to his social media and confirmed his next outing with director and producer Indra Kumar. The film is titled Thank God, also starring Sidharth Malhotra and Rakul Preet Singh.
The movie is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ashok Thakeria, Sunir Kheterpal, Deepak Mukut, Anand Pandit and Indra Kumar and co-produced by Yash Shah.
Ajay Devgn confirmed the movie on his social media handle. He tweeted, “Happy to announce my next film, #ThankGod - a slice of life comedy starring @SidMalhotra, @Rakulpreet & me. Directed by @Indra_kumar_9, the film is set to go on floors from 21st January 2021. Stay tuned! #BhushanKumar #KrishanKumar #AshokThakeria @SunirKheterpal @DeepakMukut @anandpandit63 #YashShah @TSeries #MarutiInternational #tseries”
Sidharth Malhotra took to Twitter to share the news of the collaboration. "Stoked to announce my next film, for the first time ever with Ajay Devgn and Indra Kumar," he wrote.
Sidharth Malhotra and Rakul Preet Singh have previously acted together in 2018's "Aiyaary" and "Marjaavaan" (2019). This will also be Singh and Devgn's third collaboration. They have worked on the 2019 film "De De Pyaar De" and are reuniting for "Mayday", which Devgn is directing as well.
The slice-of-life comedy film, scheduled to go on floors from January 21.
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