The second look poster of Malayalam's first found footage film was unveiled on this New Year's Eve by Legendary Australian actor Roger Ward and British actor Carl Wharton. Along with the poster, Roger wrote: “Here we are, a second look at the poster of # VAZHIYE directed by my dear friend and prolific and extremely talented director/writer Nirmal Baby Varghese. Also, I must congratulate Jeffin and Jeena on their recent nuptials. Perhaps there will be more than films produced in the near future. Best wishes and success to you all” on his facebook. “Happy to unveil the second look poster of #Vazhiye directed by my friend @nirmalbabyvarg1 . All the best to the entire team and wishing a happy married life to Jeffin & Jeena.” wrote Carl Wharton while sharing the poster on his twitter.
The film has already garnered attention as it is the first Malayalam movie to be shot entirely in found footage style and as the Indian debut of Hollywood music director Evan Evans. This film narrates the story of two YouTube vloggers who decide to make a documentary film about a mystery land, where they confront perilous, nightmarish situations.
This horror thriller movie written and directed by Nirmal Baby Varghese. Film produced by Baby Chaithanya under the banner of Casablanca Film Factory in association with Vivid Frames. Newcomers Jeffin Joseph, Aswathi Anil Kumar, Varun Ravindran, Joji Tomy, Shyam Salash, Addina and Rajan are in lead roles.
Midhun Eravil, Shobin Francis, and Kiran Kambrath are the cinematographers. Jeffin Joseph is the executive producer. Editing and sound designing by the director himself. Jees Joseph is the project designer and Sanjay Thomas Chowattukunnel, Nibin Stany, Alen Jiji are the production controllers. Arun Kumar Panayal and Saran Kumar Bare are the associate directors. V Nishad is the PRO and final mixing by Rajeev Viswambharan. Amalu is the title designer and still photography by M E Photography.
Director Nirmal Baby Varghese is also planning a cinematic remake of this documentary, titled Thariode: The Lost City. The director has previously revealed a list of major international actors, including Bill Hutchens, Luing Andrews, Alexx O’Nell, Courtney Sanello, Amelie Leroy, Brendan Byrne and Legendary actor Roger Ward, who will be starring in the film.
Roger Ward is a well-known actor who has starred in many classic films including Stone, The Man from Hong Kong, Mad Dog Morgan, Mad Max, etc. Earlier, it was reported that Roger will be a part of Nirmal's upcoming film 'Thariode: The Lost City'. Carl Wharton is a British actor known for his works in International films such as Saint Dracula 3D, Zombie Massacre, Wrath of the Crows, The Perfect Husband, The Convent, The Tombs, etc.
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