Arjun Rampal's last film was 'Paltan' which was released in the year 2018. Although he was seen in a web show 'The Final Call' last year but his fans are waiting to see his next film release. The wait is finally over as the actor will soon be seen playing the lead role in a period war drama film 'The Battle Of Bhima Koregaon."
Arjun also revealed the poster of the film on his social media account and wrote,"Proud to be part of this film. A film with a strong message. A part of history revisited #thebattleofbhimakoregaon 2021"
Talking about the film, Arjun said,"Usually when i do a film, i ask myself why am i doing this project? But when this project was offered to me, I said to myself there is no reason I should not be doing it."
Arjun plays Sidhnak Mahar Inamdar, a leader of Mahar Regiment in the film and talking about the same he said, "I had no idea about this battle, so I am thankful to my director for offering me this film. I think after people will watch the film, they will be shocked to know that such an incident happened in the history of our country. If we say the Holocaust happened with Jews in World War II, I don't think that was anything less. It has always been my dream to work on a great period film and I think The Battle Of Bhima Koregaon is that film for me."
Film The Battle of Bhima Koregaon is directed by Ramesh Thete and is based on the battle fought between the East India Company and the Peshwas of the Maratha confederacy on January 1, 1818 at Bhima Koregaon. Film also features Digangana Suryavanshi, Sunny Leone, Krushna Abhishek and Abhimanyu Singh.
On the work front, Arjun will soon be seen in 'Nail Polish' which is about a murder trial where court proceedings and back story is interwoven into a journey of criminal discovery. Film will make its premiere on ZEE5 on 1st January 2021.
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