Miss Diva was recently spotted gracing the media with her stunning outfit. Urvashi's fashion sense is all different, most of the time. Be the golden look of Egypt or the white feather outfit, she has always been standing out from the rest. She is a true Indian beauty that is proven from her looks across the shoots. Her recent look as Cleopatra took our heart away.
The bubbly and fun-loving character of Urvashi is always evident from her different looks. We can see her in different characters and pulling off the looks whether a small-town girl look or a stunning model in Expedition Magazine. Her kindness is also given us reasons to love her when she was distributing food for Kanya pooja to young girls who are in need.
She revealed that she is a fan of The Mandalorian - the sci-fi television series by Jon Favreau. The story focuses on a lone fighter of the Galaxy who makes his way through the outer space far away from the authority of the New Republic. She watches the series when she relaxes at her home. Her favorite among the characters was the Child, as she is seen flaunting in her tee.
The former Miss Universe is busy with her upcoming music launch "Wo Chaand Kaha Sey Laogi", by Vishal Mishra and with Mohsin Khan.
The style icon always knows what to wear and where. We love her outfits and her styling ideas. She looks comfortable yet classy in the cool and loose tee of the series.
Let's all wait for her new look...