Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
Chennai: A Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) rescue team retrieved the bodies of four children who drowned in sea on Sunday evening when they were playing near the Kasimedu Fishing Harbour; in Chennai on Nov 16, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
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