Actor Himansh Kohli, noted for movies like Yaariyaan and Sweetiee Weds NRI, is back in Mumbai to commence the shoot of his forthcoming drama Boondi-Raita, says the film is close to his heart and has a lovely story.
Himash Kohli is back in Mumbai on his Birthday and pampered himself with a brand new car, and interacted with media.
“2020 has taught me that fulfill your desires, as fast as possible. Don’t just wait for your desires or wishes to come true, just go for it. I wanted to purchase a new car for the longest and I seriously needed to cheer myself up, so I bought myself a new car. Nowadays, you need to pamper yourself, a man work really hard to make himself happy and I wanted to make myself happy” said Himansh about his new purchase.
Now that the film shoots have started and theaters are open again, Himansh cannot wait to kick-start his next projects. “I am happy that I am back in Mumbai and film shoot have also started, my next movie Boondi-Raita will soon go on floors and there is one more un-announced film which is also going on floors soon”
When asked about his role and other deeds about the project, Himansh said, “I am not allowed to talk about my films, but Boondi-Raita is one film which is very close to my heart and it’s a lovely story. It is my understanding that people who watches cinema wants good content and trust me, we’re bringing very good content with Boondi-Raita. The star-cast is known but other ensemble and crew is new, and we’re trying to bring something good on screen”
Boondi Raita is directed by Kamal Chandra and produced by Ravi S Gupta. The film also stars Sonnalli Seygall, Neeraj Sood, Alka Amin, Rajesh Sharma and Ravi Kishan in the lead roles.
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