Matinee Entertainment known for their distinct commercial successes like Kshanam, Ghazi and Gaganam, announce their Production No 8 with talented director Swaroop RSJ whose debut directorial Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya was critically acclaimed and was a commercial hit.
For his second directorial venture Swaroop has opted to a unique subject on the lines of a bounty hunting film set in a village near Tirupati for the yet to be titled flick. There was a lot of anticipation about Swaroop’s next film.
After two under production biggies - Chiranjeevi’s Acharya and Nagarjuna’s Wild Dog, this becomes the third film in the line of interesting films under production by Matinee.
Pre-production work begins from this month and the film will go to sets by December.
Lead cast and other details will be announced soon.