Ladies Not Allowed is an adult comedy-horror film directed by Sai Ram Dasari and presented by actress Shakila. Ramesh Kavali is building. Vikrant Reddy is the co-producer. This is a full-fledged comedy film.
Sai Ram Dasari, who made a name for himself as a controversial director with his first private song and created a controversy with every film made from his first film. Last year, he directed the film Ladies Not Allowed by produced by popular actress Shakila. No certificate was given. He took the controversy to Delhi. Due to Corona, the dispute has not been resolved yet. On the other hand, it has already been over 100 days since the opening of the cinema halls.
Since everyone is already releasing the film in OTTs, for the first time in the Telugu film industry, they will make a website for the film and release the film directly on it. Audiences will have to pay Rs 50 to watch the film. The film will be released on July 20 at 8 pm. Director Sai Ram Dasari said that the film team is preparing to promote the film this week. The film is co-produced by Kavali Ramesh, Vikrant Reddy, Shakeela with music by Sri Mitra and cinematography by Tarun Karanthod. KR Swamy is the film editor.
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