A few days back Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas joined the virtual Girl Up Leadership Summit 2020. The ‘Quantico’ actor feeling too privileged of this opportunity took to her Instagram handle and jotted down a few lines.
Expressing gratitude Priyanka in her post spoke that the women need to raise their voices and should have confidence in themselves!
Sharing an IGTV video Priyanka also stated that it’s now time to push all the boundaries and be bold. The Instagram Feed of Priyanka read, “Girl Up Global Leadership Summit 2020. It has been a great privilege to be your Girl Up champion for all these years. Thank you for having me with you live today. If there is any takeaway from today, it should be...Resilience and leadership are key in the face of adversity. Invest in your peers, in your communities - but most importantly... in yourself. Use your voice... create the debate! Push the boundaries! Be bold... Starting right now.”
The list of the women activists includes Meghan Markle and Michelle Obama.
About Girl Up, No matter their background, girls have the power to transform themselves, their communities, and the world around them. Girl Up is a global movement of empowered young women leaders who defend gender equality. Through leadership development training, Girl Up gives girls the resources and platform to start a movement for social change wherever they are. For those who stand with us in this movement, there is no rest until we achieve equal rights for every girl. Because when girls rise, we all rise.
Girl Up was founded by the United Nations Foundation in 2010 and continues to work across a global community of partners to achieve gender equality worldwide.
Chopra will next star in two films for Netflix: an adaptation of Aravind Adiga's satirical novel The White Tiger and Robert Rodriguez's superhero film We Can Be Heroes.
She will also star alongside Richard Madden in Prime Video's thriller series Citadel, and she has been cast in an undisclosed role in The Matrix 4. She will also star as the spiritual guru and convicted criminal Ma Anand Sheela in Barry Levinson's Sheela, a film she will produce for Amazon Studios.
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