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Coronavirus – Kenya: Concern as cases of Covid-19 rises Nairobi, Sunday June 28, 2020

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Kenya has announced 259 new positive cases of Coronavirus from a sample of 2,718 tested in the last 24 hours, surpassing the 6000 mark.

Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS), Dr. Mercy Mwangangi reported that the country’s  total case load now stands at 6,070 out of 165,196 samples, tested so far.

All the positive cases are Kenyans, except three who are foreigners, with 159 being males and 100 females. The youngest case is an 8 month old infant and the oldest is 92 years.

“Unless we step up compliance of the containment measures, this virus poses a potential threat of over-running our healthcare facilities, the CAS noted.

After the first case was reported in the month of March, 78 people turned positive out of 3,419 samples, in April, out of 19,108 samples tested 328 tested positive and in the month of May 1615 people turned positive out of 57,527 samples.

“In the month of June, up to today, 85,142 samples have been tested, and 4,049 people have tested positive. From these figures, it is evidently clear that the number of those testing positive has been on a sharp increase,” the CAS said.

She called on the Counties to move with speed and finalize their level of preparedness considering the responsibility of managing COVID-19 patients, has shifted to the counties.

Out of today’s 259 positive cases Nairobi has the highest number at 127, Mombasa, 39, Kiambu, 22, Machakos, 16, Busia 11, Makueni, nine, Nakuru, nine, Uasin  Gishu, nine, Kilifi, five,  Kajiado, three, Kisumu,(two Lamu, two Garissa two, Marsabit, two, and Kwale, one case.

Nairobi cases are from Westlands, 31, Dagoretti North, 22, Makadara, 12, Embakasi East, and Langata, 11 cases each, Starehe, seven, Roysambu, six, Kasarani, five, Embakasi South, Kamukunji, and Kibra, four cases each, Embakasi West, three, Embakasi Central, Embakasi North and Mathare, two cases each, Dagoretti South, one case.

In Mombasa, the 39 cases are from spread in Likoni, 13, Mvita, eight, Changamwe, seven, Jomvu six, Nyali, four and Kisauni, one) case each. In Kiambu, the 22, cases are from Thika, eight, Kiambaa, six, Kiambu town four, Juja, Kabete, Lari and Ruiru, one  case each.

In Machakos, the 16 cases are from Athi River, 15 and Machakos Town, one case. In Busia all the 11, cases are from Teso North, while the nine cases in Makueni, are from Kibwezi West, seven and Kibwezi, East, two.

In Nakuru, nine, cases are from Naivasha, four, Nakuru East, three and Rongai, two. In Uasin Gishu, the nine, cases are from Ainabkoi, three, Kapseret, and Turbo two cases each, Moiben, and Soy, one case each.

In Kilifi, the five, cases are from, Kaloleni and Kilifi South, two cases each and Malindi, one. In Kajiado, the cases are in Kajiado North, two and Kajiado Central, one.  The cases in Kisumu, are all from Kisumu Central, while the two cases in Lamu, are from Lamu West. In Garissa, the cases are from Garissa Town, while in Marsabit, the cases are from Saku and the case in Kwale, is from Msambweni.

Lamu, is the latest county to report a case, bringing the total number of counties with COVID-19 cases to 41.

The government also announced that 35 patients have been discharged from various hospitals bringing the total  number of recoveries to 1,971. She also noted that two more patients have succumbed to the disease, bringing the total number of those who have succumbed to 143.

The Acting Director General for Health, Dr. Patrick Amoth added that the government has agreed on six parameters that will determine whether the containment measures will be lifted or not.

The first parameter is the emergency preparedness at County level especially the establishment of rapid response teams to deal with cases as they arise. The second is  the enhancement of case detection and management, and third pillar is on risk   communication. ”We have advised the Governors to dialogue with their people on counties and  communicate with them about Covid-19,” he said.

The fourth pillar is on Laboratory testing. Currently the country has 28 labs spread across 12 counties but they need to be enhanced further, he added.

The fifth component is on containment measures, and the sixth one is on infection prevention and control measures with a focus to shield the elderly and vulnerable.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Health, Kenya.

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