YSRCP MP Raghurama Krishnam Raju will be leaving for Delhi this afternoon to meet with the Lok Sabha Speaker and the Home Secretary. It is learned that the former would meet Central Election Commissioner as well. Raghurama Krishnam Raju had already asked the Speaker to protect him from the YSRCP MLAs and cadre amd sought protection with the central forces. Raghurama Krishnam Raju written letter to the speaker in the past. However, he would meet the Speaker and the Home Secretary today to this extent.
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YSRCP MP Raghurama Krishnam Raju will be leaving for Delhi this afternoon to meet with the Lok Sabha Speaker and the Home Secretary. It is learned that the former would meet Central Election Commissioner as well. Raghurama Krishnam Raju had already asked the Speaker to protect him from the YSRCP MLAs and cadre amd sought protection with the central forces. Raghurama Krishnam Raju written letter to the speaker in the past. However, he would meet the Speaker and the Home Secretary today to this extent. https://www.thehansindia.com/andhra-pradesh/raghurama-krishnam-raju-row-ysrcp-mp-to-meet-lok-sabha-speaker-today-630216
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