New Delhi: Delhi Police patrol the streets near Jama Masjid during Eid-Ul-Fitr celebrations in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: A security personnel stands guard near Jama Masjid during Eid-Ul-Fitr celebrations in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: Jama Masjid bears a deserted look on Eid-Ul-Fitr amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: People offer prayers on the occason of Eid-Ul-Fitr at their residence in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: Jama Masjid bears a deserted look on Eid-Ul-Fitr amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: People offer prayers on the occason of Eid-Ul-Fitr at their residence in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: A security personnel stands guard near Jama Masjid during Eid-Ul-Fitr celebrations in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: Secuity personnel deployed outside the Jama Masjid during Eid-Ul-Fitr celebrations in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: Security beefed up near Jama Masjid during Eid-Ul-Fitr celebrations in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: Security beefed up near Jama Masjid during Eid-Ul-Fitr celebrations in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: Security beefed up near Jama Masjid during Eid-Ul-Fitr celebrations in Delhi amid the fourth phase of the nationwide lockdown imposed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, in Delhi on May 25, 2020. (Photo: IANS)
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