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Coronavirus – Sudan: As of 15 April 2020, there are 32 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Sudan, including local transmissions

Coronavirus - Sudan: As of 15 April 2020, there are 32 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Sudan, including local transmissions
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As of 15 April 2020, the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) confirms 32 cases of confirmed COVID-19 in Sudan, including local transmissions.

FMoH urges all people in Sudan to take precautionary measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by regularly washing hands for at least 20 seconds, social distancing (staying at home), and respecting the curfew hours from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.

United Nations partners updated the Corona Virus - COVID-19 Country Preparedness and Response Plan (CPRP) created to support the government of Sudan and national preparedness for COVID-19. The plan, which requires USD $47 million to implement, focuses on public health measures and covers a three-month period. The plan will be updated on a monthly basis or if the situation changes.


COVID-19 preparedness and response planning is also underway at the state level. The majority of states have established dedicated task forces and developed state specific plans. Awareness campaigns are underway, including in the IDP camps in North Darfur and South Darfur states.

Central Darfur

  • Central Darfur state government has established a high committee for outbreak led by the State Ministry of Health (SMOH) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Three isolation units have been established, including an isolation centre in Zalingei. UNAMID has supported with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including goggles, caps, face shields, N95 masks, aprons and gowns.
  • WASH and sanitation activities are being scaled-up.
  • Frequency of food distributions will be reduced with a provision of 2-3-month rations.
  • Awareness raising campaigns and messages on COVID prevention are ongoing across different localities; supported by WHO and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). WHO in collaboration with SMoH has provided a capacity building training for health care workers on COVID-19.

North Darfur

  • North Darfur is establishing a dedicated committee to be chaired by State Government Secretary General and will include line ministries, UN agencies, international and national NGOs.
  • UNAMID supported an isolation unit in El Fasher with generators and two ambulances on stand-by. WHO has provided medical incentives, equipment and supplies.
  • Awareness campaigns have started in the IDP camps and other communities.
  • All markets in El Fasher and IDP camps will close at 1600 hours.
  • A WASH needs assessment was conducted in Zamzam isolation center, hospitals in El Fasher, and other health facilities. Report is being finalized.

South Darfur

  • The international border crossing has been closed.
  • A South Darfur Technical Committee on Corona Virus has been established. The committee is chaired by the Director General of Ministry of Health and representatives of the Water and Environmental Sanitation Department (WES), WHO, UNICEF, INGOs. South Darfur authorities developed a preparedness and response plan.
  • Nyala Hospital, the Turkish Hospital and Degaress have been identified as isolation centres. These facilities have a total of 58 beds and two intensive care units.
  • WHO is training a rapid response team that will cover all South Darfur localities.
  • Risk communication is being done with the community in collaboration with SMoH and WHO. Besides radio massaging, UNICEF printed 10,000 information, education and communication (IEC) materials to be delivered to South Darfur localities.
  • In IDP camps and locations, the following activities are continuing: awareness campaigns, community mobilizations on social distancing and prevention, distribution of soaps, sanitizer and PPE for health facilities. Some medications have been pre-positioned.
  • Frequency of food distributions to be reduced with a larger ration provided at each distribution.

West Darfur

  • A high committee for outbreaks was established; chaired by the Wali (governor) comprised of WHO, SMoH and line ministries. SMoH has established COVID-19 taskforce, including WHO, UNICEF, INGOs, and SMoH. The task force has meetings daily. COVID -19 Response plan was finalized by SMoH.
  • One isolation centre was established outside El Geneina town.
  • Awareness messages on prevention are ongoing across the state through various media--all efforts were supported by UNICEF and WHO.

Blue Nile

  • An Emergency Health Committee has been established and is chaired by SMoH. The committee includes UNICEF, WHO and relevant line ministries. A preparedness plan was drafted.
  • There is currently no established isolation centre.
  • SMoH has deployed awareness raising teams across localities and are training staff on isolation and diagnosis.

South Kordofan

  • A committee has been established chaired by the Governor to provide leadership and mobilization of resources. A technical committee co-chaired by the State’s Director of Health and WHO and includes UN Agencies and I/NNGO representatives to ensure implementation of the preventive measures. A preparedness and response plan has been developed.
  • WASH services are being scaled up.
  • UNISFA will construct an isolation area within its premises. The UNISFA clinic will be part of SMoH surveillance. PPE equipment has been provided to UNISFA personnel.
  • Ambulance service has been provided to refugee entry points.
  • Registration of NGOs has stopped; all meetings and assessments cancelled by HAC.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of OCHA Sudan.

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Coronavirus - Sudan: As of 15 April 2020, there are 32 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Sudan, including local transmissions


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