Bollywood actor Sanjay Mishra who started his career alongside Shah Rukh Khan in the 1995 flick 'O Darling Yeh Hai India', the actor is now playing the lead in 'Kaamyaab'. The movie is being produced by Shahrukh Khan. The actor stated that Shahrukh invested in the movie ‘Kaamyaab’ because he found the story-worthy.
Sanjay Mishra was seen interacting with the media on Wednesday in Mumbai.
When asked his views about Shahrukh Khan producing film ’Kaamyaab’, on this Sanjay said, “Shahrukh is not a nonentity person. He could have produced some other projects. But he produced this movie because he found the story of ‘Kaamyaab’ worthy.”
Describing his character in the film, Sanjay said, “I am not playing the role of any cricketer or role of Paan Singh Tomar and also, I am not playing a historical character in the film ‘Kaamyaab’. I am playing the role of my own life and the common people around me. I really feel lucky that they opted for me to do this film. And also feel proud that I got to do this film.”
About Sanjay Mishra co-star Deepak Dobriyal, one of the most talented actors in B-town, apart from the movie ‘Kaamyaab’ will also be seen in the movie ‘Angrezi Medium’. He will be sharing the screen space with Irfan Khan, Radhika Madan and Kareena Kapoor Khan in Homi Adajania’s film.
As per the reports, Deepak also suffered from internal Industry politics. Many directors sidelined him for rejecting their scripts.
About the movie ‘Kaamyaab’, it is a drama film directed & written by the National Award winner Hardik Mehta and produced by Red Chillies Entertainment and Drishyam Films, starring Sanjay Mishra and Deepak Dobriyal in the lead roles, it is the story of a washed-up side-actor of Hindi movies, who wants to make a comeback with a memorable role so that he can complete a record of the figure of acting in 500 films.
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