Bollywood and Television actor Gurmeet Choudhary, who rose to fame as Lord Ram in Ramayan, is celebrating his birthday today. The actor had an amazing pre-birthday party with wife Debina Bonnerjee and friends from the industry which included Bigg Boss 13 contestant Rashami Desai, Vikas Kalantari and more.
Sharing about his birthday plans, Gurmeet said, “I always plan to do something different, but it never happens. But this time Me, Debina and my close friends are going to Gir. We are planning to something really daring. We are going in the jungle to face the lions. We will be there for 3 days. I have heard it’s a very good place. Let’s see what happens. Everything is planned by my wife. I don’t plan anything, I am a very boring person.
When asked Filmfare awards are now biased on this Gurmeet said, “I am not the right person to talk about this. I think awards are given to those who deserve it. I have won many awards as a TV actor. But for me to receive the Filmfare Awards is my dream. My wall is full of awards, but one place specially I have kept empty for Filmfare Awards.
Meanwhile on the work front, Gurmeet was last seen in the movie ‘Paltan’. It was an action war film, directed by J.P. Dutta, produced by J.P. Films and Zee Studios.
When asked about his upcoming project, Gurmeet refused to reveal anything.
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