Mumbai: Massive fire breaks out on the top floors of the ground plus eight-storied GST Bhavan at Byculla in Mumbai on Feb 17, 2020. At least five fire-tenders were deployed to battle the blaze even as thick clouds of smoke billowed out of the upper two floors.There are no reports of any casualties in the incident so far. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Massive fire breaks out on the top floors of the ground plus eight-storied GST Bhavan at Byculla in Mumbai on Feb 17, 2020. At least five fire-tenders were deployed to battle the blaze even as thick clouds of smoke billowed out of the upper two floors.There are no reports of any casualties in the incident so far. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Massive fire breaks out on the top floors of the ground plus eight-storied GST Bhavan at Byculla in Mumbai on Feb 17, 2020. At least five fire-tenders were deployed to battle the blaze even as thick clouds of smoke billowed out of the upper two floors.There are no reports of any casualties in the incident so far. (Photo: IANS)
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