Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan and Aamir Khan had worked together before in the movies 'Talaash' and '3 idiots'. Now they will be again seen together for the movie 'Laal Singh Chaddha'. The role was not in a straight line for Kareena. She had to go through the audition and this she agreed just for her co-star Aamir Khan. She also stated that she would have not done this for anyone else or any other films.
After working with Aamir Khan in the movie '3 Idiots' was an unreelable experience for Kareena. Laal Singh Chaddha' is the first ever movie of her career for which she had to audition.
The film is helmed by Advait Chauhan. 'Laal Singh Chaddha' will hit the theatres on Christmas 2020. It is a Hindi remake of Tom Hanks’ 1994 classic Forrest Gump.
Talking about her recently released movie 'Good Newwz', Kareena Kapoor Khan is on high as her film is garnering all the positive reviews. The film is based on the subject of In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF).
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