Puducherry: President Ram Nath Kovind, his wife Savita Kovind, Puducherry Chief Minister V. Narayanasamy and Pondicherry University Vice Chancellor Gurmeet Singh during the 27th Convocation of Pondicherry University in Puducherry, on Dec 23, 2019. (Photo: IANS/RB)
Puducherry: President Ram Nath Kovind receives a memento from Pondicherry University Vice Chancellor Gurmeet Singh during the 27th Convocation of Pondicherry University in Puducherry, on Dec 23, 2019. (Photo: IANS/RB)
Puducherry: President Ram Nath Kovind awards degree to a student during the 27th Convocation of Pondicherry University in Puducherry, on Dec 23, 2019. (Photo: IANS/RB)
Puducherry: President Ram Nath Kovind awards degree to a student during the 27th Convocation of Pondicherry University in Puducherry, on Dec 23, 2019. (Photo: IANS/RB)
Puducherry: President Ram Nath Kovind awards degree to a student during the 27th Convocation of Pondicherry University in Puducherry, on Dec 23, 2019. (Photo: IANS/RB)
Puducherry: President Ram Nath Kovind awards degree to a student during the 27th Convocation of Pondicherry University in Puducherry, on Dec 23, 2019. (Photo: IANS/RB)
Puducherry: President Ram Nath Kovind addresses during the 27th Convocation of Pondicherry University in Puducherry, on Dec 23, 2019. (Photo: IANS/RB)
Puducherry: President Ram Nath Kovind addresses during the 27th Convocation of Pondicherry University in Puducherry, on Dec 23, 2019. (Photo: IANS/RB)
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