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Nani acted with a broken nose !

Nani acted with a broken nose !

Nani acted with a broken nose ! (Photo:SocialNews.XYZ)

Natural Star Nani went off his comfort zone doing a different film 'Jersey’ where he will be seen as a middle-aged struggling cricketer. Of course, he is struggling a lot more than expected.

During the shoot for the film, he is playing the batsman avoiding a difficult runout and he unknowingly bumped into a person playing wicketkeeper.


He was then immediately sent for the medical check-up which concluded that his nose jostled slightly. He took some time to recover and came back the next day for the shoot.

He covered the affected part with make-up and completed the shooting as per schedule without troubling the production house.

Often, his reports said that there nothing much to worry about and he could bear the pain to continue shooting. The sources shared that the movie is going to be an emotional tribute for all fathers and sportsmen. It is releasing on 19th April.

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