Microsoft Excel was downrated because of Surf Excel !

Microsoft Excel was downrated because of Surf Excel !

Unfortunately, software giant Microsoft was discredited by the Indian people who mistook one of its application Microsoft Excel to Hindustan Unilever Limited’s product surf excel. The ad that promotes Surf Excel’s ‘Daag acche hai’ campaign has also divided social media. This ad represents a Hindu girl who saves a Muslim guy who has to offer his praying in a Mosque from the colors of Holi as he was wearing a white dress.

It was so cute and went viral on the internet but some were offended by the advertisement demanded to boycott the Hindustan Unilever Limited’s surf excel with the hash tags like #BoycottSurExcel. They haven’t stopped with that but also downrated Microsoft Excel app on google play store being confused entirely with Surfexcel.

This is not the first time the Indians got confused as this kind of incident was also happened with Snapchat whose CEO commented India as a poor country. Then citizens mistook snapchat to snap deal and uninstalled the e-commerce app.

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