Categories: Africa News

Cameroonian Refugees in Nigeria get Christmas Humanitarian relief items from Africa Now Foundation

The Africa Now Foundation, a charity organization owned by Africa’s leading Oil and Gas lawyer, NJ Ayuk, CEO of Centurion Law Group has donated relief materials worth over thousands of dollars to hundreds of Cameroonian refugees living in the Adagom Resettlement site in Ogoja, Cross Rivers State, Nigeria.

“This is most impressive and undoubtedly the largest single donation we have received in years,” said Mr. Remi Oyasanya, the zonal coordinator South-South region, National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internal Displaced Persons, who took the delivery of the materials alongside the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Cross Rivers State Emergency Management Agency in the presence of thousands of the refugees.

The materials donated included children school chairs, mattresses, pillows, blankets, buckets, Indomie Noodles, bathroom slippers, water bottles; sachets of packaged tomato paste, salt, spices, cooking oil; children school tables and a desktop computer.

In the spirit of the Christmas, the foundation also donated soft drinks of different brands, biscuits, wafers and sweets that could reach over 2,000 people.

“We are committed to doing more as a foundation, because they deserve all the love and support, we can show to them to mitigate their daily ordeals. They don’t deserve to be in refugee camps during Christmas. It is wrong and immoral.” said NJ Ayuk, while urging governments in West/Central Africa to do everything to end hostilities in the sub-region.

“The reasons for so much suffering coming out of this Anglophone crisis are complex and varied. It is important that everyone really sees a need for an all-inclusive dialogue that cultivates a true respect for everyone in Cameroon and the diaspora.,” said the lawyer.

As a Foundation, we believe we have an obligation to work with the good minded people of the UNHCR, and others to seek out ways to foster this life-saving dialogue and provide support to so many that have been made refugees against their will. We are thankful to the Nigerian authorities and the UNHCR who did everything to facilitate to our work.

The Africa Now Foundation is a humanitarian organisation committed to “six corporal works of mercy, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned, bury the dead and give alms to the poor.”

The foundation has further expressed the commitment to visit as many African communities where succor is needed and “we can avail to them little we have.”
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Africa Now.

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