Categories: Hollywood Movies

Robert De Niro loses his tooth

Robert De Niro loses his tooth

Birmingham (United Kingdom), Nov 30 (IANS) "Godfather" star Robert De Niro lost a tooth while eating a slice of toast.

The 75-year-old actor was left in agony and forced to visit an emergency dentist, making him an hour late to the stage in Birmingham for "An Experience with... Robert De Niro", reported

A source told The Sun: "He couldn't believe his luck when it fell out. An emergency dentist had to fix him up...He is going to get the tooth fixed properly at his regular dentist when he gets back to Los Angeles."

"But he saw the funny side because it fell out as he chomped toast the day before he was due to start work on the Warburtons ad."

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Robert De Niro loses his tooth

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