'Mithai', directed by debutant Prashant Kumar (a Bihari guy who has made this Telugu movie despite not knowing the language), is a dark comedy to watch out for. It tells the crazy tale of two youngsters, played by the talented duo Rahul Ramakrishna and Priyadarshi. They will be seen as best buddies who go through a lot of experiences, some of them unpleasant, at an important juncture in their lives.
Liberation from the norm is an important theme of 'Mithai'. Talking of liberation, you can make a statement here and now.
What you can do
A video of you smashing a CRT monitor with a hammer or just throwing the CRT monitor symbolizing the social norms and the various ways in which we compromise ourselves and are not able to express ourselves fully and follow our passion. Your videos could be shot on any media - mobiles, camera or whatever.
What we will do with the video
We will use that video as part of a music video called THE LIBERATION SONG. It’s a 7-minute song composed by the music director Vivek Sagar; it talks about breaking the social norms and liberating yourself completely while following the passion.
So break the monitors that could be the first step towards the liberation and send us the video on theliberationsong@gmail.com
About The Liberation Song:
The song featuring in the film is of seven minutes shot in a jungle with a whopping budget of Rs 25 lakhs. It has a lot of 2D, 3D and CG animation and is a spectacular visual treat.
On Monday, we are going to unveil a video made for musical and lyrical video promotions and it will have people from all over the world - unsung heroes, celebrities and other people who want to break a monitor and send us a video.
Each and every video received will be part of the Monday (19th Nov) release.