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Minister launches book on law of contract

Minister launches book on law of contract

New Delhi, Oct 22 (IANS) Minister of State for Finance Shiv Pratap Shukla on Monday unveiled a book 'The Principles of Law of Contract' that details the general principles about whether or not formal and informal contracts are legally binding, the authors said.

Co-authored by law educators and practitioners Ramesh Chandra Srivastava and Ashutosh Pathak, the book (Bloomsbury/Rs 495/353 pages) also explains the Indian Contract Act, 1872.


"When you enter into a contract, it may or may not be legally binding. It could be as simple as an employee not performing a task assigned to him/her. But, the question is, is that legally punishable?

"The book is a general read for everyone, not just law students, since we all enter into contracts," Srivastava, a retired law professor at Gorakhpur's Deen Dayal Upadhyaya University, told IANS.

Pathak, a Supreme Court lawyer, said the book also contains day-to-day examples, making it easier for people outside the legal fraternity to read it.

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Minister launches book on law of contract

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